Konferencje za granicą
Amsterdam, 13.03.2012 r.: „International Conference on Social Protection and Migration: Access Denied. Working on a New Paradigm”. Organizatorzy: Faculty of Law, VU University Amsterdam.
Bruksela, 21.03.2012 r.: „Towards a Common European Asylum System: Improving Protection, Solidarity and Harmonisation”. Organizator: Public Policy Exchange.
Bielefeld, 12-13.04.2012 r.: „Changing patterns of migration- changing patterns of social inequalities. Borders and boundaries in the Enlarged Europe”. Organizatorzy: ZDES, IW, Transnational Relations/COMCAD.
Nowy Jork, 19-21.04.2012r.: 17th Annual ASN World Convention: „The Wages of Nationhood: Conflicts, Compromises, and Costs”. Organizator: The Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN).