Konferencje za granicą

Leeds, 4.07.2012 r.: „Cricket, Migration and Diasporic Communities”. Organizator: Leeds Metropolitan University.

Manchester, 5-10.08.2012 r.: „Migration, culture and identity construction”. Organizator: The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Science.

Turku, 13-15.08.2012 r.: „Immigrants and civil society. 16th Nordic Migration Research Conference & 9th ETMU Days”. Organizator: University of Turku.

Geneva, 19-24.08.2012 r.: „The Dynamics of Migration”. Organizator: The Oikos Foundation, The Graduate Institute’s Programme for the Study of Global Migration.

Amsterdam, 27-29.08.2012 r.: IMISCOE Ninth Annual Conference „Mobility as the new paradigmatic perspective in the social sciences?”. Organizator: IMISOCE Research Network.

Trier, 20-21.09.2012 r.: „Annual Conference on the Schengen Area 2012”. Organizator: Academy of European Law.

Bruksela, 27.09.2012 r.: „Unlocking the Potential of Migrants in Europe: From Isolation to Multi-level Integration”. Organizator: Public Policy Exchange.

Opublikowano w numerze: 36 / Czerwiec 2012