Konferencje za granicą

Yerevan, 29-30.04.2014 r.: Migration in Globalized Word. Yerevan State University.
Berlin, 4-6.06.2014 r.: „The 2014 Cities of Migration Conference: An Agenda for Shared Prosperity”. Organizator: The Cities of Migration Project.
Londyn, 30.05-1.06.2014 r.: „The 2014 Turkish Conference”. Organizator: Regent University Centre for Transnational Studies.
Kopenhaga, 13-15.08.2014 r.: Flows, Places and Boundaries - Migratory challenges and New Agendas”. Organizator: Aalborg University, Copenhagen University, The Danish National Centre for Social Research, Roskilde University Center, the Nordic Migration Research.
Madryt, 27-29.08.2014 r.: „Immigration, Social Cohesion and Social Innovation". Organizator: IMISCOE, Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid (Hiszpania).


Opublikowano w numerze: 46 / Luty 2014