Ukrainian Migration to the European Union. Lessons from Migration Studies

Książka pod redakcją Marty Kindler oraz Oleny Fedyuk to dogłębna, historyczna i geograficzna analiza różnych wzorców ukraińskiej migracji do wybranych krajów Unii Europejskiej. Jest ona
w całości dostępna online.
Książka składa się z nastepujących rozdziałów:
• Fedyuk Olena, Kindler Marta, Migration of Ukrainians to the European Union: Background and Key Issues
• Vollmer Bastian, Malynovska Olena, Ukrainian Migration Research Before and Since 1991
• Kupets Olga, Economic Aspects of Ukrainian Migration to EU Countries
• Szulecka Monika, Regulating Movement of the Very Mobile: Selected Legal and Policy Aspects of Ukrainian Migration to EU Countries
• Fedyuk Olena, The Gender Perspective in Ukrainian Migration
• Górny Agata, Kindler Marta, The Temporary Nature of Ukrainian Migration: Definitions, Determinants and Consequences
• Brunarska Zuzanna, Kindler Marta, Szulecka Monika, Toruńczyk-Ruiz Sabina, Ukrainian Migration to Poland: A „Local” Mobility?
• Leontiyeva Yana, Ukrainians in the Czech Republic: On the Pathway from Temporary Foreign Workers to One of the Largest Minority Groups
• Nikolova Marina, Maroufof Michaela, Ukrainian Migration to Greece: From Irregular Work to Settlement, Family Reunification and Return
• Vianello Francesca Alice, Migration of Ukrainian Nationals to Italy: Women on the Move
• Fonseca Maria Lucinda, Pereira Sónia, Migration of Ukrainian Nationals to Portugal: The Visibility of a New Migration Landscape
• Stanek Mikołaj, Hosnedlová Renáta, Brey Elisa, Research on Ukrainian Migration to Spain: Moving Beyond the Exploratory Approach
• Solari Cinzia D., Theorizing the Ukrainian Case: Pushing the Boundaries of Migration Studies Through a Europe-US Comparison